

I have a happy family. It is warm and nice. There are three peole in my family. My mother, my father and I. My mother is a beautiful woman. She has two big eyes and a small nose.
And my father is a strong man. My father and my mother are all the workers.They all work very hard.
I’m a student. I study very hard. I love my family, I love them. And they love me!  


My fatther is XX years old,when he was young he was handsome,but now he is fat.
He is working at XXXXXX。Everyday he works by car (by bus ,on foot).
He likes reading and playing basketball,but now he has little time to play basketball.


There are six people in my family:my mother,father,brother,grandmother,grandfather and I.


Most of us have black hair,except my mother have yellow hair. 


We are gentle,especially my grandmother,who is very kind.


My father and I have something in common,such as we all like reading books.


My mother enjoy cleaning.As for my brother,he only feel like playing.


There are six people in my family:my mother,father,brother,grandmother,grandfather and I.Most of us have black hair,except my mother have yellow hair. We are gentle,especially my grandmother,who is very kind.My father and I have something in common,such as we all like reading books.My mother enjoy cleaning.As for my brother,he only feel like playing.

There are three people in our family, including my mother, father and me. We are very harmonious and happy. I have black hair. Gradually, there is a black Mom also has black hair. Dad also has black hair. We are a happy family



答:描述家人的英语作文如下:I have a happy family. It is warm and nice. There are three peole in my family. My mother, my father and I. My mother is a beautiful woman. She has two big eyes and a small nose.And my father is a strong man. My father and my mother are all...

用英语描述你的家人,内容包括外貌,性格和爱好等.不少于5句话_百度知 ...
答:英语描述家人如下:There are six people in my family:my mother,father,brother,grandmother,grandfather and I.我家有六口人:我的母亲、父亲、兄弟、祖母、祖父和我。Most of us have black hair,except my mother have yellow hair.我们大多数人都有黑色的头发,除了我母亲有黄色的头发。We are ...

答:Mother's face 思路:可以根据题意确定标题“妈妈的脸”,属于人物特征描写。可以用分-总的结构,开头和中间一起详细描写脸部的特点,比如鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴、耳朵等等;结尾总结对妈妈的脸的感受,抒发感情。双语范文参考(10句话):Mother's face Mother has a young baby face. Mother's eyes are ...

介绍家人的英语作文 50个字带翻译
答:loves to spoil us with her delicious dishes. We cherish the time we spend together.中文翻译:我的祖父母是我们家庭中爱与智慧的源泉。他们住在附近,经常到我们家里来。我的祖父是一位退休教师,喜欢园艺。我的祖母是一位出色的厨师,她用美味菜肴喜欢宠我们。我们非常珍惜与他们共度的时光。

答:I’ m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me.Oh...

答:综述如下:My Family 我的家人 This is my family.There are four people in my family.My grandmother,my father,my mother and me.My grandmother has short white hair.She looks very nice.My father has short black hair and small eyes.He looks very fat,so I often call him“fat ...

英语作文:写一篇介绍自己和家人外貌特征的文章 不少于80字
答:作文思路:文章开头对自己的外貌特征进行了描写,接着对我的妈妈的外貌特征进行了详细的描述,并且还描述了妈妈勤劳的本质。我是七年级(初一)的学生。我有点胖,但我很强壮。I am a student of grade seven (grade one). I'm a little fat, but I'm strong.我的脸又圆又可爱。我的眼睛小,...

答:他在一家工厂工作。我母亲在洛杉矶交通局工作。我母亲有一头长长的黑发。她喜欢运动和旅游,所以我经常和妈妈一起运动。在假日,我的家人经常去旅游。我在桂园小学学习。我们非常高兴。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维...

答:got long/medium-length/short + straight/wavy/curly + dark/fair/brown hair.五官类如方脸圆脸瘦脸可以直接说he’s got a square/round/thin face.眼睛鼻子可以直接用big/medium-sized/small形容。如果眼睛形状比较特殊可以用-shaped形式,如almond-shaped eyes。高鼻梁可以用high-set nose来形容。

答:Myfamily我的家人 MyfamilylivesinBeijing.我的家人住在北京。我家有四口人。Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily.Theyaremyfather,mymother,mysisterandI.他们是我爸爸、妈妈、妹妹和我。Myfatheristallandthin.Heisahandsomeman.Hehasbigeyes.Hishairisstraight.HelikestowatchTVandmoviesandreadbooks.我父亲又高...
