

whenever I look back the time, I will easily think of my grandmom, someone who is always with a smile on her face, tender like the water. I had been living with my grandmom from 3 to 12 years old. In my memory,grandmom would get up very early,mostly before darkbreak, and then started to make breadfast for me, woke me up and dressed me. She always did these in a slow but ordered step. When I did something wrong, grandmom never shouted at me,in fact she never shouted at anyone, but held my hands in her hands and told me some strories or her experience to let me recognize what I did wrong. I did miss that past time.

关于回忆小时候和祖母的时光。自己写的,有问题直说~ 你看看,要翻译的话可以跟我说。

Childhood Memory

I remember it like yesterday. We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track. He promised me and my sister that if he won, he would take us all to Rye Playland.

The minutes felt like hours. It was the longest hour of my life. Then finally we heard the car door shut. Me and my sister ran to the front door anxiously waiting for the news. He opened the door and walked in. We tried to read the expression on his face but of course he was looking down while taking his sneakers off.

The suspense was killing us. Then he looked up. No words were spoken between us and our father. He just gave us a blank stare. I didn't know what to think. I was scared to ask because I was so worried of the response.

It was that moment when he said to us, "Well kids, pick out what your going to wear to Rye playland this weekend." Excitement just jumped through out my whole body. We both ran over and gave him the biggest hug and ran upstairs to pick out what we had to bring and start the trip to Rye on the weekends.

Remember there is always a child to talk about, I was no exception. Speaking of childhood, my eyes always bright, as if suddenly back to the past.

Remember once, I about the neighbor's a few very good friends together to play the chicken on a vacant lot. I when the eagle, the little red hen, the rest when the chicken. Game started, every chick hiding behind the mother hen, I left the flapping right, little red left right shine, the chickens also follow the hen left to run, run right, each chicks are very cautious, afraid to be caught, I when I took advantage of the hens do not pay attention to, I immediately jump up, ha ha! Finally caught a chicken to me. At this moment, it is not late, we are reluctant to go back home.

Lu xun once said: "the game is the most proper behavior, children toy is children's angel." Every child is inseparable from the play, although this is a very common game, but all very fond of children.

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