


那是不可能的 就算可以 也是你暂时的吸引了他
时间久了 你也会被抛弃 可不要轻易尝试
也不好做 爱惜自己吧




在古代时期,中韩两国都有多种记载双方交往的历史文献传世。比较著名的,比如南宋徐竞的著作《宣和奉使高丽图经》。现代学术研究中,韩国、台湾、日本学者的研究从二战以后即已开始。大陆的学术研究,从1992年中韩两国建交以后,迅速兴起,其中以北京、上海、青岛、大连等地的高校最为集中。北京大学于1992年成立“韩国学研究中心”,每年出版1 册50万字左右的《韩国学论文集》,至今已出版了8辑,是研究中韩两国交往史的核心机构。自1992年以来,大陆学者出版的研究专著约有20种,发表的学术论文总数达200篇以上,由中韩两国组织召开的国际学术会议达10次以上。特别需要指出的是,文化交往史是目前国际学术研究所关注的重点,也是我国学术领导机构所关注的重点,在2001年度的国家社科基金项目的《指南》中,中外交往史被列为重点项目。但是直到目前为止,洛阳本地学者对于这一课题的研究尚为数不多,在全国范围内,从地域文化的角度出发研究中韩文化交往与洛阳中间的诸多关系,至今为止也不多见,希望从今以后有一个全新的开始。





China and South Korea for the sea to neighbouring countries, in close proximity. South Korea's cultural exchanges between neighbouring countries has a long history, from ancient times that have been a number of legends, experience Xiashang Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang and Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing generations, until the end of the Ching dynasty and the modern, continuous, leaving behind a few Unclear friendly story. North Korea is the ancient city of Luoyang, 13, from the Western Zhou Li Han and Jin Dynasties to Tang Dynasty, ancient China during the first half of the political and cultural centre. In ancient times, China and South Korea cultural exchanges between the two countries, especially the first half of the cultural exchanges, and more concerned with the Luoyang.

Ancient China's political, economic and cultural center, Tang used to be the front line in the Yellow River, Chang'an and Luoyang in between things moving in after the Song is in the frontline along the Grand Canal in Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou and north-south movement. Before the Tang and Song Chang-an after Beijing, was once a prominent political center, open-Ye Li Zhao is the cradle. But to say sandwiches, culture developed, it can not be separated from Luoyang. Scholars 100 is the rise of the Eastern Zhou period, the capital of Luoyang; study by the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the rise of Imperial College, is also clear that, the party Gu rise of the period, or the creation of Taoism and Buddhism spread the beginning of the period, the capital of Luoyang, the Wei, Jin is During the rise of mysticism, is the capital of Luoyang, the Northern Wei Dynasty was a period of Buddhism developed abnormal, is the capital of Luoyang; culture of the Tang Dynasty to the peak of Longsheng, Luoyang East is all. Even in the Northern Song Dynasty, although the Capital of Kaifeng, the way the rise of Confucianism, "Comprehensive Mirror" scheduled, is still in Luoyang. Luoyang's cultural status in history is the sole, which was once such a prominent, as the dignified, as the irreplaceable.

In ancient times, China and South Korea have documented a variety of exchanges between the two sides of the historical documents handed down. Comparison of the famous, such as the Southern Song Dynasty Xu Jing book "and declared the Fengshi Korea plans." Modern academic research, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and scholars from the study has already begun after World War II. China's academic research, from China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in 1992 after rising rapidly, with Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Dalian, and other places the highest concentration of colleges and universities. Peking University in 1992 to set up a "Korean Studies Research Center," an annual publication of around 500,000 words, "Korean Studies collection", has published a series of eight, is to study the history of exchanges between China and South Korea core agencies. Since 1992, mainland scholars study published monographs about 20, the total number of academic papers published more than 200, China and South Korea from the international academic organization of the meeting of more than 10. Special needs to be pointed out that the history of cultural exchanges between the International Academic Research Institute is currently the focus of attention, but also China's leading academic institutions the focus of attention, in the year 2001 the State Social Science Fund projects the "Guide", was listed as the history of exchanges between Chinese and foreign Key projects. But so far, the Luoyang local academics for the study of the topic is still small, across the country, from the point of view of geographical and cultural studies and cultural exchanges between China and South Korea among the many Luoyang, is also very rare so far, hope From now on there is a new start.

South Korea and a history of friendly exchanges, not only has the value of academic research, but also cultural resources in Luoyang, an important part. The deadline for 1995, Korea has become China's first six largest trading partner, while China is South Korea's third-largest trading partner. In 1995, China and South Korea's trade volume was 169.8 billion U.S. dollars. As of 1994, South Korea's investment in China has reached 2,160, the amount reached 18.5 billion U.S. dollars, China has become South Korea's largest overseas investor. China and South Korea for the sea to neighbouring countries, convenient transportation, culture and origin. Korean Confucianism in China is of universal identity, the Chinese have Roots awareness, tourism in China has become a Korean travel abroad an important destination.

May 2000, South Korea Mr. Jin Zhonglie well-known scholars in Luoyang tour, visits, lectures six days. March 2000 to January 2001, South Korea Dr. Jin Zhouchang in Luoyang University of visiting scholars a year. July 2000, former South Korean President Kim Young-sam to visit Luoyang. Fully demonstrates the Luoyang in the eyes of South Koreans still have high status.

Professor Jin Zhonglie for the former president of Korea University, the University, the incumbent honorary professor at Korea University, Yonsei University Professor at large. In the early years of employment for Taiwan students and 15 professors, have long been engaged in the study of Chinese philosophy, the works of rich and workers in calligraphy, good at Shifu, the academic community in China and South Korea in a very high status and influence. He lectured in Luoyang, making friends, its visit to Cuba, Fushi, in Luoyang left a permanent mark worthy of the path, leaving a total of 13 Chinese poetry and calligraphy 16, by the Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang City Cultural Bureau, easy to Luoyang City Society, and other units by the warm reception, especially by Wang Wen-chao, vice mayor of the cordial meeting, "Luoyang Daily", Luoyang, also made a special television interview. This number of the arrival of Korean people for the cultural development of Luoyang has a positive impact, but also for Luoyang, the friendly exchanges with South Korea played an important role in the information tips.

Luoyang Association for the Promotion of the establishment of cultural exchange between China and South Korea, South Korea and Mang Mountain Hill ancestors of the festival held yearly and is conducive to open, Luoyang and South Korea's development of academic research and friendly exchanges, explore the Luoyang cultural resources and tourism resources and promote Heluo culture, Carry forward the oriental culture, China and South Korea to promote economic trade, promote tourism, farming trade, science and technology, education and academic research in various areas of cultural development, promote economic development in the Central Plains region and open up new prospects for friendly exchanges between China and South Korea, have Significance and a bright future.

South Korea occupied the northern part of the East China Sea in an underground Island coke, the islands is Our China, the island less than three meters from the sea level, under the island-known as coke. South Korea is now above the establishment of a monitoring station, had several times in the semi-public occasions accused us of sending warships harassment of their territory. Deterioration of relations between China and South Korea also reflected in the waters of the Yellow Sea, has often said he is Northeast territory, is really ridiculous to the extreme.
好和坏是分两方面来看的 , 从经济合作上来看, 同为亚洲国家,二者担负着亚洲崛起的重任,任重而道远。不要只看到他的不足而忽略了他的优点。 从哲学的角度来看,没有绝对的好和坏,而且在不同时期二者关系的变化是那难免的,有好有坏,我们应看重其发展方向,并尽力去处理好与他的关系,没有哪一个国家能完全独立发展的,美国的石油也需要进口,经济也要有进出口贸易,所以和谐发展,构建和谐世界是我们应重视的。
Good and bad are two aspects to look at, from the perspective of economic cooperation with Asian countries, they shoulder the heavy responsibility of the rise of Asia, a long way to go. Do not just see his lack of neglect of his merits. From the perspective of philosophy, there is no absolute good and bad, and in relations between the two different periods of change that is inevitable, good and bad, valued to its development direction and try to handle his relationship No country can be completely independent development, the U.S. also need to import oil, the economy must have import and export trade, the harmonious development and build a harmonious world is that we should seriously.

英文:Since China and South Korea on August 24, 1992 have established diplomatic relations, both countries friendly cooperative relationship has made the fast progress in each domain. In politics, the both countries leader multiple exchange visits, and met in the international multilateral activity, promote have understood mutually and trust, promoted the relations between the two countries development. In the economy, both countries mutually beneficial cooperation deepens unceasingly, mutually for important trade partner. In domain and so on culture, education, science and technology the interflow and cooperation have also made the progress. Both countries further are also strengthening in local and international affairs' cooperation and the coordination.



政治关系 1998年金大中总统访华,双方宣布建立面向21世纪的中韩合作伙伴关系。2003年韩国总统卢武铉 访华时,双方宣布建立中韩全面合作伙伴关系。



经贸关系 两国经贸合作全面迅速发展。据中国海关统计,2005年中韩贸易额1119.3亿美元,增长24.3%,其中中国出口351亿美元,增长26.2%,进口768.22亿美元,增长23.4%。2006年1-11月,中韩贸易额1219.1亿美元,同比增长20.2%。其中中国出口403.1亿美元,增长26.9%,进口816.0亿美元,增长17.1%。中国是韩国最大贸易伙伴,韩国是中国第三大贸易伙伴国。


其他领域交流 两国文化、科技、教育、司法等很多对口部门之间建立了友好交往与合作关系,97对省市建立了友好关系。两国主要城市之间有30多条定期客货运航线,每周400多对班次。我天津、青岛、大连、烟台、威海与韩国仁川、釜山等地有定期客货轮航线。



如果一个女生跟你说你在她心里只是有分量而不是很重要是啥意思?_百 ...


答:[孤掌难鸣] 一个巴掌拍不响。比喻力量孤单,难以成事。[所当无敌] 犹言所向无敌。形容力量强大,无往...[九鼎大吕] 比喻说得话力量大,分量重。[闻风破胆] 听到一点风声就吓破了胆。形容对某种力量的极度...指使不上劲或没有能力去做好某件事情、解决某个问题。[鼓衰力尽]鼓:战鼓声。衰:微弱。战鼓声音...







