

London is the capital, the largest city and the largest port in England and the UK. It is also one of the largest metropolitan areas in Europe. Since the establishment of the city by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago, London has had great influence in the world.
However, at the latest since the 19th century, the name “London” also represented the surrounding area developed around the City of London. These satellite cities form the metropolitan area of London and the Greater London area.
London is one of the world's four world-class cities, alongside New York, Paris, France and Tokyo, Japan. London is not a British city status, officially not a city, but since the 18th century she has been one of the most important political, economic, cultural, artistic and entertainment centers in the world, most people mistakenly think she is a city.
From 1801 to the beginning of the 20th century, as the world's empire, the capital of the British Empire, London became the largest city in the world for its outstanding achievements in the field of technological inventions. In March 2016, the 2016 Wealth Report was released, and London ranked third among the most expensive cities in the world.
In September 2018, the 2018 World Tourism City Development Rankings were published in a comprehensive ranking, and London ranked first.
伦敦是世界四大世界级城市之一,与美国纽约、法国巴黎和日本东京并列 。伦敦未获英国城市地位,正式来说算不上是城市,但因为自18世纪起她一直是世界上最重要的政治、经济、文化、艺术和娱乐中心之一,一般人都误以为她是一座城市。

2.大英博物馆。大英博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的大罗素广场,成立于1753年,1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一。

London is the political, economic, cultural and financial centre of Britain. It has the largest number of museums and libraries in the world. Nineteen Fortune 500 headquarters and seven top 100 universities are located in London.
London is located in the plain of Southeast England. The Thames River runs through it. The coordinates of the city center are 51 30 north latitude and 0.1 5 East longitude. London covers an area of 1577 square kilometres, with a population of about 8.9 million in 2016.

伦敦这一名称在2世纪即已存在,在公元约121年记载为伦蒂尼恩(Londinium),证明其来源有罗马-不列颠背景。蒙茅斯的杰弗里在其作品《不列颠诸王纪》中最先试图阐释这一名称,但这一解释如今已被否定。他称该名称来源于一位“勒德王”(King Lud),此人据传占领了这一城市,并将其命名为“凯尔勒德”(Kaerlud)。

London is the political, economic, cultural and financial centre of Britain. It has the largest number of museums and libraries in the world. Nineteen Fortune 500 headquarters and seven top 100 universities are located in London.


London is located in the plain of Southeast England. The Thames River runs through it. The coordinates of the city center are 51 30 north latitude and 0.1 5 East longitude. London covers an area of 1577 square kilometres, with a population of about 8.9 million in 2016.



伦敦这一名称在2世纪即已存在,在公元约121年记载为伦蒂尼恩(Londinium),证明其来源有罗马-不列颠背景。蒙茅斯的杰弗里在其作品《不列颠诸王纪》中最先试图阐释这一名称,但这一解释如今已被否定。他称该名称来源于一位“勒德王”(King Lud),此人据传占领了这一城市,并将其命名为“凯尔勒德”(Kaerlud)。






London is a cosmopolitan mixture of the Third and First worlds, of chauffeurs and beggars, of the establishment, the avowedly working class and the avant-garde. Unlike comparable European cities, much of London looks unplanned and grubby, but that is part of its appeal. Visiting London is like being let loose on a giant-sized Monopoly board clogged with traffic. Even though you probably won't know where the hell you are, at least the names will look reassuringly familiar. The city is so enormous, visitors will need to make maximum use of the underground train system: unfortunately, this dislocates the city's geography and makes it hard to get your bearings.

London is a year-round tourist center, with few of its attractions closing or significantly reducing their opening hours in winter. Your best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in July and August, but there's certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months and that is when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

A resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.


The name London is commonly thought to have come from the Latin name Londinium, as London was founded by the Romans ... The City of London is the principal financial district of the United Kingdom, and is one of the most important in ...

答:London London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. An important settlement for around two millennia, London is today one of the world's most important business and financial centres, [1] and its influence in politics, culture, education, entertainment, media, ...

答:伦敦旅游景点英语介绍 伦敦作为英国政治、经济、文化、世界金融中心,其无论是在欧洲还是世界,都占有举足轻重的地位。下面小编为大家整理的一些伦敦旅游景点英语介绍,希望大家喜欢!伦敦旅游景点英语介绍一 泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)Sitting grandly on the banks of the Thames is Tate Modern,Britain's...

答:请找出关于英国首都伦敦的英文介绍和中文翻译,立刻要,速度,谢谢,高分题,好的追加20分!!... 请找出关于英国首都伦敦的英文介绍和中文翻译,立刻要,速度,谢谢,高分题,好的追加20分!! 展开  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物?百度网友92f5864f0 2006-11-25 · TA获得超过694个赞 知道答主...

伦敦十大景点中英文介绍 伦敦十大著名景点中英文介绍
答:during the Second World War.伦敦塔,是英国伦敦一座标志性的宫殿、要塞,选址在泰晤士河。詹姆士一世(1566-1625)是将其作为宫殿居住的最后一位统治者。伦敦塔曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯,最后一次作为监狱使用是在第二次世界大战期间。

答:Tower Bridge is a famous bridge over the River Thames in London. It's close to the tower of London. Every day thousands of people use it to cross the river.塔桥是横跨伦敦泰晤士河的一座著名的桥。它靠近伦敦塔。每天有成千上万的人用它来过河。The Tower of London was once a ...

答:谁能用英语介绍伦敦 2个回答 #热议# 武大靖在冬奥的表现,怎么评价最恰当?hardingsky 2006-11-25 · TA获得超过5.1万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:4851 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:5275万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 London, capital of Great Britain, SE England, on both sides of ...

答:London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history ...

答:London is the capital of England, the first city and a port, is one of Europe's largest metropolitan area is one of the world's four and world-class city, with the United States, New York, Paris and Tokyo. London has not been British cities, it is not a formal city (...

答:伦敦十大景点英文和中文介绍如下:1、爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh castle)Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland. Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh. Theannual march-past of the military band is held here in August.爱丁堡...

请写一篇关于:为什么喜欢伦敦 的英语作文
答:London is the capital of England, the first city and a port, is also Europe's largest metropolitan area is one of the world's four and a world class city. It is located in the southeast of England, across the Thames River downstream of the two sides, 88 kilometers from ...
