以一年四季为题写一篇不少于60个单词的英语作文 要有中文意思


We all know that there are four seasons in a year.However,life in different seasons is different.In spring,we can see birds making nests in the trees.In summer,people like swimming in the swimming pool because it is too hot.In autumn,leaves fall from the trees.In winter,students usually wear thick winter uniforms.I love the four seasons because they can give me different feelings.

my happiness in lifeMy sunshine in my lifeHow should I describe my life?It's a golden age because we have an interesting and colorful life.If you enter any classroom when you do self-study off school,you will find that students are making good use of their time.Some of the students are busy reading English or Chinese.Now we are studying hard,because study comes first now.In our PR class,we are no longer bookworms,but because so lively that we feel just like fish in the water.We hope to enter our ideal universities or colloeges after we graduate from our school for we will become trans——century talents in the near future.I am sure,in the future,when we look back on our lives today,we must can feelproud of ourselves

Seasons of the year
There are four seasons in the year. In spring, the temperature is cool and the flowers begin to bloom. In summer, it becomes hot and rainy. People like to stay inside air-conditioned rooms. I like autumn most because it is cool and dry. And it is the best time of the year to go hiking on mountains. In winter, the weather is cold and some places have snow. People have to wear thick clothes.

Seasons of the year
There are four seasons in the year. In spring, the temperature is cool and the flowers begin to bloom. In summer, it becomes hot and rainy. People like to stay inside air-conditioned rooms. I like autumn most because it is cool and dry. And it is the best time of the year to go hiking on mountains. In winter, the weather is cold and some places have snow. People have to wear thick clothes.

找一篇用英语描写四季的作文 60+ -
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答:以四季为题的作文1 一年四季,春夏秋冬,都有自己的美妙之处,它们组成了一支四季之歌…。 春的谱子是美丽的,优美的。看,鸟语花香、百花争艳,组成了一派欣欣向荣的好风景。鸟儿在枝头歌唱,声音时高时低,像灵泉一般涌了出来,婉转动听,...

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答:感受与爱人,孩子和父母们一起相聚的温暖时刻。It is precisely because of the features of the four seasons, our lives become much more swinging. 正式由于四季不同的特色,我们的生命才会变得如此丰富多彩。

答:A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.The first season is spring. ...
