odor、 smell、 flavor、 scent分别是什么意思?


1. 释义区别:



There was a strong odor coming from the garbage bin.(垃圾箱里有一股强烈的气味。)

The flowers in the garden have a pleasant smell.(花园里的花有一种愉悦的香味。)

The flavor of the cake was rich and chocolatey.(蛋糕的味道丰富而巧克力味浓郁。)

The air was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.(空气中弥漫着新煮咖啡的香味。)

2. 语法区别:

"Odor"、"smell"、"flavor" 和 "scent" 都是名词,可以作为主语、宾语或表语。


The odor in the room was overwhelming.(房间里的气味让人难以忍受。)

She could smell the flowers from the garden.(她能闻到花园里的花的香味。)

The flavor of the soup was delicious.(这碗汤的味道非常美味。)

The scent of lavender filled the air.(薰衣草的香气弥漫了空气。)

3. 用法区别:

"Odor" 或 "smell" 用于描述气味,可以是积极的或消极的。"Flavor" 用于描述食物的味道,通常与味觉相关。"Scent" 用于描述愉悦或芳香的气味。


The fish had a strong odor that made me feel nauseous.(鱼的气味很刺鼻,让我感到恶心。)

I could smell the freshly baked bread as I walked by the bakery.(我走过面包店时,闻到了新鲜出炉的面包的香味。)

The flavor of the soup was a perfect blend of spices.(这碗汤的味道是香料的完美组合。)

The scent of roses always reminds me of my grandmother's garden.(玫瑰的香味总是让我想起我的祖母的花园。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"Odor"、"smell"、"flavor" 和 "scent" 可以在口语和书面语中使用,没有明显的环境区别。


The odor of the chemicals in the lab was overpowering.(实验室里化学药品的气味让人无法承受。)

I could smell the delicious flavor of the pizza from across the street.(我能从街对面闻到那披萨的美味味道。)
