

Winter is the fourth season of the year. Now, the weather is getting colder and colder. It means winter is coming.
I think winter is a white season. In winter, it often snows and everything becomes white. Every winter, children are the happiest because they can make the snowman.
I like winter best. In winter, the weather is the coldest, but I don’t mind. When it is snowing, I’m always very excited. The snow is very white and sparkling. It makes everything white and beautiful.
Although the weather in winter is very cold, it’s really wonderful. The happiest thing is that we have a winter holiday every year. We can get lots of red packets, eat delicious food and visit my friends.

Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine. People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow will be sunny.
That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
早安 这是世界上一些大城市的天气报告。北京多云。天气很冷,所以出去的时候穿暖和的衣服吧。在香港有美丽的阳光。人们在白天会感到凉爽。纽约阳光明媚,但下午有大风。悉尼会下雨,但天气很热。后天将是晴天。


Wuhan, my hometown, is warm in spring and everything begins to grow.


Summer is the hottest season. Many people go swimming in the Yangtze River.


Autumn in Wuhan is neither cold nor hot like spring.


Wuhan is very cold in winter, sometimes it snows.


People put on thick clothes.


I live in beijing. Beijing is the capital of China.It is a beautiful city.The weather is gentle and lovely in beijing.In spring,the weather is warm,windy and cloudy.I often fly kites in the park.In summer,the weather is sunny,hot and dry.I sometimes go swimming in the pool.In autumn,the weather is cool,cloudy and windy.I usually take a walk in the park after dinner.My favourite season is winter,beause I can play and make a snowman in the snow. I love the weather in beijing,beause it's comfortable very much。


答:Although the weather in winter is very cold, it’s really wonderful. The happiest thing is that we have a winter holiday every year. We can get lots of red packets, eat delicious food and visit my friends.译文:冬天是一年中的第四个季节。现在,天气越来越冷了。这意味着冬天即将...

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